ACIM Lesson 114 notes.

Review of lessons 97 & 98.


97] I am spirit.

98] I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation.

I thought of my mom when I read the line that “no body can contain my spirit.” (A theory that spirit can leave the body little by little, for example with dementia.)

It seems to me that there are many bodily ailments that restrict spirit. And probably more ailments of the mind coming from the false self. So many questions come to me.

We are all spirit. Is the cause of dis-ease from not accepting God’s plan? This question does not feel good in my body. It sounds like breaking the rules and being punished.

We have a choice and I appreciate that now that I understand ‘the River of Love’. But why are we not all given this understanding at the start of life? It doesn’t seem fair.

I opened the Text to a random page, T.14.III.3, to aid me with my questions. This is what I gained from this paragraph:

We do know, and always have guides while in this world. We have our inner Truth (HS) which nudges us to the thought that choosing Love is always an option. We all get so caught up in this world that we stop seeing this choice. This is the importance of the ‘undoing’ lessons of ACIM.

Thank You HS for always being with me – even through the years that I could not see it.


[97] I am spirit.

“No body can contain my spirit.”

Unlimited. Flowing to and from Source.

The power of Love … for me. For all.

[98] I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation.

I am here.


97-I am spirit.

“No body can contain my spirit.”

Thinking about all the different parts of me: body, mind, spirit, 4 parts of the brain, soul, HS. Who is running the show?

Who do I want to lead?

God, Christ, HS … the trinity of me!

Last night I watched an interview on Gaia with Regina Meredith and Tanis Helliwell. Tanis said that body intelligence is Holy Spirit!

If heart connection (and 25% of brain) is Christ connection, it seems to me that there are enough Love representatives to overrule ego and the fear based parts of me. (Without even considering each cell as an individual manifestation of God.)

I am spirit! Always, primary, and foundational.

98-I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation.

(raising consciousness)

After watching Regina and Tanis, I continued my reading and exercises of the book on six-petaled rose (it was a good evening 😊). The first petal is faith. To work on faith in myself, I was to recognize that I made a promise to God.

“You made a promise to God to carry out a specific set of duties and to accomplish a predetermined mission during your life on Earth.” ~ Kathleen McGowan

The exercise had me reflect on my promise and to write a mission statement for myself. With the help of writing prompts within the exercise, I brought together the following:

Mission Statement.

I am here to bring positivity to others by sharing stories that invite others to have insights for their own spiritual growth. I made a promise to God. I put faith in myself to proceed, to activate my part in God’s plan for salvation. And so it is!

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