ACIM lesson 88 notes.

Review of lessons 75 & 76.


75] The light has come.

76] I am under no laws but God’s.

God lit up the cosmos a long time ago. In that new time of few ‘well-lit’ things living within the void, what were the laws?

Here are a few that come to mind: expand, grow, blossom, multiply, shine, cooperate, dance.

In reflection, I wondered where the grievances and attack came in. I realized that it was when these lit beings began to identify themselves as something other than light. (for example … I am a sun!)

This was the separation … the one problem.

God’s creation did not change; an illusion formed of lit beings seeing themselves as individuals. This led to the co-creation of the ‘maya’ from the desires of the individual consciousnesses.

The One light did not change nor did Its desire for Its children change.

(My thoughts go to the Prodigal Son parable in which the father is constant in his love and acceptance.)


[75] The light has come.

“I can but choose the light, for it has no alternative.”

[76] I am under no laws but God’s.

“I am perfectly free of the effects of all laws save God’s. And His are the laws of freedom.”


75-The light has come!

“If I will there be Light, I must be Light. And if I will there be Light, my Creator, Who must be like me, must also will there be Light. Now the idea that there is no will but God’s is accepted with gratitude, for it is recognized as not something to be feared but welcomed. God’s will becomes my comfort, my safety, my place of rest and peace.” ~ from Lesson 87 insights,

76-I am under no laws but God’s.

I had a dream last night where I had written a plan and was so happy as I convinced everyone I knew at school to play a part. As I reflected on the dream, I saw it as a metaphor for making up the laws of my personal world.

My judgement of others is how I put roles upon them to have the world comply with the laws my mind created. When everything goes to the laws of my creation, then I will be peaceful … nonsense.

God’s will.

Trust in God.

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