ACIM Lesson 86 notes.

Review of lessons 71 & 72.


71] Only God’s plan for salvation will work.

72] Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation.

My salvation is letting go, to flow in the river of God’s Love. I can plan for structures to block the flow, but none of them can last. They cannot withstand the eternal flow of God’s Love.

I am blessed by the gift God has given of making a choice.

I noticed in the lesson that the alternative ways are described, and logic is offered to sway our choices. But still, we have choices. Why is that?

Created in God’s image as creators. I choose the way of Love. Still, it all remains as God created; God created the framework for our journey and growth.

Choosing pain and fear perpetuates the game as it also expands the experience of the Whole. It all gets used. All souls will seek healing eventually.

I find this reflection goes to my heart and aids my vision to see others with Love.


[71] Only God’s plan for salvation will work.

“And I will rejoice because His plan can never fail.”

[72] Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation.

“I would no longer defeat my own best interests in this way.”


71-Only God’s plan for salvation will work.

“Let me perceive this only in the light of God’s plan for salvation.”

Remember to surrender and to trust in God!

Yes, I want to move from my small individual mind to Christ consciousness and perception – along with understanding from the Oneness.

God is good. God blesses me. God is All.

72-Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation.

“This calls for salvation, not attack.”

After going through ACIM the first time in 2013, attack is an action I have consciously chosen to be aware of, to avoid in my relationships. I choose to expand this awareness to be mindful of when I cause grievances (control, judge, manipulate) that are an attack and against God’s plan.


And so, it is.

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