ACIM Lesson 83 notes.

Review of lessons 65 & 66.


65] My only function is the one God gave me.

66] My happiness and my function are one.

It does make me happy to live in the flow of God’s Love. In this place I see myself and others in their innocence. Struggle and pain maybe what is being created but what is wanted by all is Love and connection.

I am happy to see others as their True Selves.

Thank You, Great Love for this function. Please help me with its growth.


[65] My only function is the one God gave me.

“I cannot have conflicting goals.”

[66] My happiness and my function are one.

“Fulfilling my function is my happiness because both come from the same Source.”


65-My only function is the one God gave me.

66-My happiness and my function are one.

What is my function, forgiveness or happiness? I’m feeling forgetful, as though I don’t know my function or how to implement it.

After looking over my notes, I see that I am using forgetfulness to create more separation. As I focus on what I must do, I’m forgetting to ask for help – my solutions instead of God’s. Instead, I should ask, stay present, and wait for guidance.

Listen! I know guidance will be provided! <3

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