ACIM Lesson 82 notes.

Review of lessons 63 & 64.


63] The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.

64] Let me know forget my function.

“My forgiveness is the means by which the light of the world finds expression through me.”

As I wrote this deep understanding rose in me. Wow!

The light of the world can come into the chaotic world when I release false ideas and judgements about others. My change of perception, to see the truth in others, brings light, peace, healing, and joy into our plain of physical existence.

This is so important, so I ask for help, so I do not forget. _/\_


[63] The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.

“Let me, then, forgive the world, that it may be healed along with me.”

[64] Let me not forget my function.

“And unless I fulfill my function, I will not experience the joy that God intends for me.”

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