ACIM Lesson 29 notes.

God is in everything I see.


“… we emphasized yesterday that a table shares the purpose of the universe. And what shares the purpose of the universe shares the purpose of its Creator.”

I brushed past yesterday, the statement in the lesson about purpose. Today it has my attention as in this lesson it has been associated to God.

“God is in everything I see.”

I’ll offer the theory that my mind has just pieced together …

Everything is energy from frequency/vibration. It takes a conscious observer to slow the frequency enough for it to go from wave into particle to manifest a piece of this universe. Consciousness is all one (most likely fractalized). God is in everything as it is the sacred ‘I Am’ that intends for this physical universe to exist … shared purpose.

My breath moves easier. I feel energy flow in me. This theory of mine feels pretty good and has helped me to more easily that God is in this table.

Blessed and blessing.

(Hollie’s notes reminded me that it is OK to replace ‘God’ and ‘Love’. This kicked up my energy form as my notes and lesson are even more meaningful. Love is in everything I see. For me, Love is the energy that bonds everything into form. God’s Loving intention for us.)


“The stone that the builders rejected has become the corner stone.”

This bible quote comes to mind. Why?

The room where I do my lessons, our builders have put the wood they removed from our kitchen. I’m not happy – it disturbs my peace.

God is in the debris I see. Can I make peace with this?

God, are you there?

I can believe God is in every atom, that every atom is light. It is logical then that God is in everything.

I am in a sea of God, and I am part of that sea.

“Learn how to look on all things with love, appreciation, and open-mindedness.”

Feeling a bit better about the wood.

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