ACIM Lesson 27 notes.

Above all else I want to see.


“Vision has ho cost to anyone. It can only bless.”

I am learning to see; I’m improving all the time. It seems to me that the first-year goal at seminary is to teach us how to see everyone with compassion.

When I take my walks, I listen to podcasts from the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC). The first two seasons of Brian McLaren’s podcast ‘Learning How to See’ were about the twelve biases that studies show most of us fall prey to. What I’ve been learning has opened my vision quite a bit.

In the past I was expecting a miracle event in which I would suddenly see the light of God shining out from everyone. Perhaps that happens for some people – everything is possible. I am being guided along a path of learning, step by step. It shows me how to let go of the past programming to see differently … to see lovingly. I trust that this way has been selected for me as it is best for me.

See … I’m seeing!


“It can only bless.”

Yes! I want to walk the earth with joy filling my being from the awe and appreciation I see in the sacred world around me. I want to see the light of God in all the plants and animals.

I want the light to shine forth from the people so much that the smile never leaves my face.

I know when I see the Love will flow through me. God’s Love in me, flowing from me.

Tricia, “How much do you want today’s idea to be true?”

I feel the love and strength of my desire in my inner core. It is present now. Let it always be present. _/\_

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