ACIM Lesson 26 notes.

My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.


“Attack thoughts and invulnerability cannot be accepted together. They contradict each other.”

I just imagined a big strong man who is expressive of his strength, and I expect that he will be in conflict a lot. (I’m hearing the song. ‘Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown’ by Jim Croce.)

Does a person like Leroy Brown go around with thoughts ‘I am better than him?’ Is that kind of thought repeated as the mind becomes compulsive – acting in a way to cover the fear? ‘I am weak and afraid of being hurt.’

This is the attack on the self. This is a person identified with the body and not knowing themselves as a holy child of God. I say this not to ridicule but to point out that this is the story of humanity.

“The body with its perfect mechanism loses power, magnetism, beauty, and brightness, when the soul departs from the body. This shows that the power, magnetism, beauty, and brightness belong to the soul.” ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan, Bowl of Saki, 1-26-2024


“Attack thoughts therefore make you vulnerable in your mind, which is where the attack thoughts are.”

The attack thoughts are active today just because I am unhappy that water sensor alarms went off last night and woke me. This morning it feels like anxiety with my stomach in a knot.

I have questions and solutions, just things to say, that I’m seeing as being rejected and unheard. Frustration and resentment are present. Why?

I felt a little laugh inside me …

‘Oh, such trouble, Tricia! Poor baby.’

I am seeing this differently. Thank you, God.

My thoughts, my problem, my choice to change.

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