ACIM Lesson 20 notes.

I am determined to see.


“In your determination to see is vision give to you.”

How can I see this world differently? I have carried this question for more than a decade and I do see so much differently then I once did. I believe what the Course and other sacred texts have told me of the Love of our Creator, and of that Love being within everyone.

All of Creation is striving to grow so everyone has impulses I can understand and see within myself. My vision has improved. And still, I know that I don ‘t know what I don’t know. Can I see when I don’t know?

I have been given a tool for this too. It is to look for the Love; to ask, ‘where is the Love?’

This helps to clear up my vision.


“You can see them differently, and you will.”

There is excitement today with this lesson. Hollie calls these early lessons ‘undoing’. This one, on day 20, makes a promise to us.

“What you desire you will see.”

My heart feels lighter. There is tingling from my hands to my shoulders as well as in my feet. I’m excited.

I accept your offer, dear Lord. I am ready, willing, and able.

Here I am … use me!

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