New eyes.

A poem by Tricia Bates Smith, 1-9-2024

I had an epiphany today! These big words might scare you off. I will try to gift bag them for you, so they draw us together.
I am learning about me, so I’m excited to grow. Awe has come to my awareness, and it is popping up all around me.
I see it in you. It is there in my friends. And even in our dear fur babies. Awe and wonder are exciting me.
But why, you ask, is this so special to me today?
It is opening my eyes to see the wonder of you. You are unexpected and outside of my control. God’s special creation that I had nothing to do with.

This was an assignment in my Seminary elective poetry class. The writing prompt was: write about small details from my day, to share with someone that I care about.

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