I do belong.

A poem by Tricia Bates Smith, 1-9-2024

At times I feel so separate from the world and other people. Feeling stressed as fear and self-criticism arises. What am I doing wrong? Why can’t I connect?
I keep stepping forward on the path You have placed me on. My jaw is locked and my throat tight, but I continue on. I stumble in my relationships. I take to my office, separated from my family.
It always comes … the gift of new awareness. I feel the expansion of my heart and tingling in my spine. Tears well up as the light of the true thought arrives in my conscious mind. The jewel is here, given so it shall remain with me always.
The smile returns to my face as I leave my room to engage. I am brave once again as I feel Your support around me. I have expanded within the Love that created me. Feeling whole once again until the next challenge temporarily disrupts my flow.

This was an assignment in my Seminary elective poetry class. The writing prompt was: proof that I belong on this planet. We were asked to consider the senses and feelings in the body.

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