ACIM Lesson 296 notes.

The Holy Spirit speaks through me today.


“We teach today what we would learn, and that alone.”

What would You have me do with this lesson?

My mind wants to figure out what I need to learn so that I then have permission to go out and talk about it, un-prompted, to people in my life.

Last night I watched an interview by Danika Patrick with Bruce Lipton. I learned so much. Of the conscious mind, he said that when we think our conscious mind is looking inward so what is express outward is our subconscious programming. This says to me that it is better when interacting with others to remain conscious, don’t turn to thoughts, but let the conversation flow naturally – as it should.

I am reminded of conversations where ideas just enter my mind that I then share; intuition … guidance … inspiration. I don’t hear these things when I am in my mind trying to push my agenda. It is spontaneous thoughts shared that will be for my learning and for others.


“I am resolved to let You speak through me.”

I have a long history of using my mind to think about all the things I would say to my own past experiences, possible encounters, as well as difficult situations I might witness. Just last evening I saw a video of a self-righteous zealot mother who was unable to settle herself to hear another person. I found that I was just thinking about how I might handle her. I kept stopping myself as I saw my words and my intentions were controlling and not loving. I’ll tell you of a magic tool I just discovered to stop my mind cold.

As I was trying to fall asleep last night, my mind was active on another issue I learned of before bed. I stopped my mind by saying, “I don’t know.” When I say this, it is from a place of honoring that God only knows so I should drop it. (Now, I don’t even recall what my mind was mulling over.)

I am resolved that You, God, should speak through me. Use me. You have taught me so much, but still I find my own words lacking, still containing a personal agenda.

My mind tells me that I need to set an intention such as: Holy Spirit, speak through me; surround this conversation in a field of Grace that I share Love for the greatest good of all involved.

Intention Tricia!

God’s way!

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