ACIM Lesson 228 notes.

God has condemned me not. No more do I.


“And my mistakes about myself are dreams. I let them go today.”

The message that has been coming to me this week, from several spiritual media sources, is that I am, we are, already Whole within – that there is just stuff covering our holiness.

The Course uses the term ‘illusions’ to describe how we focus on beliefs so that we don’t see truth or reality. Other teachers use the idea of social programming needing to be removed so we go back to our original operating system.

Jesus told us that we have put a bushel basket over our light. Most of my life, when I think of Jesus’ words from the gospel, my attention is on the basket over the light. I think that I am ready to identify with the light – my original operating system – with the truth of my Self.

The Presence of Love is here, always. And so, I am ready to step into Lesson 229 …

“Love, which created me, is what I am.”


“My holiness remains a part of me, as I am part of You.”

I let go of the mistakes I made about myself. Holy Child of God.

What does it mean to be holy?

God’s creation, made of Love for Love. Made of light, peace, truth, strength, joy, and Love to be in service sharing light, peace, strength, truth, and joy.


“My Father knows my holiness.”

Created in the image of God: holy Love, light.

I am as my Source create me; it cannot change.

 I am Holy. I am Love. I am light. I am truth. I am.


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