Written to release resentment.
By Tricia Bates Smith
Why am I hurting and you’re not? Why am I doing and you’re not? Don’t leave me to have to do it all!
Fine, I’ll do and do and do. Stay out… continue reading
Written to release resentment.
By Tricia Bates Smith
Why am I hurting and you’re not? Why am I doing and you’re not? Don’t leave me to have to do it all!
Fine, I’ll do and do and do. Stay out… continue reading
“I choose the joy of God instead of pain.” ~ ACIM Lesson 190.
This ACIM lesson, from July 9th, was the start of a new beginning in me. While writing the lesson notes, I realized that I had a … continue reading
A poem, by Tricia Bates Smith, 8-7-2023
There is not much here, please do not take any more. People find so little to like as it is.
In response to you, my voice is brusk, with a scowl on my… continue reading
A poem, by Tricia Bates Smith, 7-31-2023
You left when I was so small, leaving a bitter mother and a loss of childhood. He’s no good was all I heard said of you. I worked so hard to make up… continue reading