ACIM Lesson 212 notes.

Review of lesson 192.


I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

192] I have a function God would have me fill.

In meditation this morning I went into all of the tense parts of my body to tell the cells to ‘let go and let God’. This lesson has changed my thoughts on this mantra.

Let go and let God use me.

As I scanned my body in meditation and offered my mantra, there were some areas that would not release. I then thought to ask for help. This says to me that I am still operating from and idea of a separate consciousness from All That Is.

As I think of opening to God’s Will to direct my actions, I had the thought that to do God’s Will would be me moving into being with many who are also doing God’s Will. I smile as I think this new thought of stepping into connection and community by just choosing my promised function.

My function is meant for me, given by God, with Love for the world. Let go and let God use me!


I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

192] I have a function God would have me fill.

‘To give and to grow.’ (my default purpose)

Only the function that Love has given to me will I accept as mine.


192] I have a function God would have me fill.

My function is forgiveness!

Bringing what is of God to Earth.

Forgiveness is looking at things differently and with Love.

I can be wrong.

I’ve misjudged.

I’ve created wrong and right where it doesn’t exist.

Today Richard Rohr defined the meaning of innocent as ‘unwounded’. This is part of forgiveness, to allow all involved to be seen from that place of innocence.

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