TBS 7-20-2023 poem
Made in Your image, filled with light, did I come shining into this world. A family of nine, all with struggles of dark and light on this human path. I didn’t see it as I pranced around in my light filled bubble.
A day came, when the laughter of those meant to love me, broke me instead. I left that little girl, locked in my heart, and moved forward with walls to love.
Rejected and discouraged, I took control to make the perfect world that is meant to be. I would figure it out without You. You had betrayed me too.
You did not leave me. All the while, I pushed my way through this world. Mid-life breakthrough, longing for love, striving to give. Again, I would figure it out without You.
New eyes form, or maybe they are the original ones. Beauty in this world; beauty within me; beauty within others. They’re doing the best that they can. And so it is with me.
It’s not a perfect world. Ease rises and peace flows in. My hands open to Your will, Your way. And there it is – I see it! The perfect world surrounds me.