Happy Sunday!

This is the first Sunday in a very long time that I have put myself in the chair to write therefor the ‘LIVE’ heading. Life is good!
I was feeling down for a couple of weeks after finishing the first draft of my trilogy. The reality of all the work and expense to move toward publishing hit me hard. The writing part is what I care about, I really don’t want to do the rest. Nor do I want to spend a lot of money on something that right now feels like a hobby.
Retired! Not looking for a new career. I just want to keep busy with things that I enjoy, that are creative, and enrich my life and those who share this life with me.
I am feeling better as I am taking one step at a time. I have begun the first editing run of the first novel and I am liking it. Now having my feelings in a better place — and heart open — I am finding excellent information on self-publishing.
The enneagram has been a wonderful new tool that I have gained. (I wrote about this in my last post.) I used it to write more detailed character trait documents for each of my main characters before I began my current editing phase. But more important, enneagram types help me to better understand myself and others. I feel such appreciation in realizing of what characteristics we have been able to mature past.
I had a lovely experience last weekend when Zoom’ng with my son. A. told me that they had recently discovered the enneagram personality typing. It was so enjoyable for me to have this subject to share a good conversation with my child. I shared some of what I had learned from Fr. Rohr’s book. A.told me about what he called ‘redemption songs’ written for each of the nine types. A. sent me a link to find them on Youtube at ‘Sleeping at Last’ channel. It was the song lyrics that enabled A. to recognize their enneagram type. I was pleased that A. found the type by what resonated instead of from an online test. (A’s type was obvious to me … always wanting to help others. TWO.)
I’m looking forward to a week of more editing but more so that this is the week I start planting seeds for my summer garden. First time trying to grow my flower and herb plants from seed. I want flower beds full of lush plants this year. I also began my herbalist course this week so I want to grow the herbs I will need as I learn this wonderful healing practice.
In Love and Light! _/\_