Sunday 12-10-17 Being a Lightworker

Happy Sunday Lightworkers!
I’ve been on this path this year and it has made me quiet; I recognize that it is like the other paths I have taken during my spiritual journey – it is guided.
I’ve spent most of the year wondering why I am so driven down this path that has been dark and scary at times. As I write I am reminded about my earlier metaphor that described my spiritual journey as a climb around the sides of Mt Truth. In this older post, I told about how I have chosen to take the easy path of rising slowing as I walk around the mountain, ever climbing, and finding new truths as I make my way around the next edifice into a new camp of faith.
I also sense that I will be able to write about this years’ experience under the structure of Joseph Campbell’s ‘hero’s journey’. So let’s start.
I have journeyed way down the rabbit hole this year to observe many dark places in this earthly human creation. From my interest in reading daily the spiritual channelings of angels, masters, and galactic beings I made my way into learning of ancient civilizations, secret space programs and I began following alternative news sources.

The Gifts

It seems this part of the journey has led me into a tunnel in the mountain and there have been many times when I have wondered if I am still climbing toward the mountain top. In the dark there has been little to make reference to that confirms that I am going the right way. And it has been lonely. Looking back I can see that there have been gifts from my guides, angels, as well as the wise ones I have encountered.
The first gift I recognize is right there on day one. It began 2017 on New Year’s Day sitting in my office as I reflected on the year ahead. The word ‘discernment’ entered my mind. I knew this was to be my resolution for the year. It’s a very strange word for me, not one that has been part of my conscious mind before. Such a wonderful gift it has been. I feel that I have used it well.
Since my wakening in 2012 I have found my bliss from noticing the Love, the movement of spirit, in the people and events before me. I am well practiced in recognizing spiritual truth. This has been my tool for discernment. There are many ‘way-out’ theories that have been brought to my awareness. Each one has had to go through my filter of evaluation to see if the teller of the story is coming from a place of seeking truth to the benefit of all of us.
Another great gift I received early in the year was learning of the channeled books that provide the “Law of One” philosophy. For me this philosophy simplifies discernment as to whether a person or group is choosing to act for ‘service to self’ or ‘service to others’.  Both paths are a journey to Source through learning to Love. You can make it all the way through the many densities through ‘service to others’. But, ‘service to self’ is also a viable path up to a certain level – learning to love one’s self is still learning to love. This is one reason why higher beings respect and honor the journey of those beings we might describe as evil. The masters also understand that there is only ONE being/consciousness that we are all part of as well as that we are all a creation of the One… Law of One.
I found the reassurance of the Love of God from listening to podcasts from Kyron channeled by Lee Carroll. Kyron named me an ‘old soul’ and a lightworker. I found the self-love to believe these things to be true.
The channelings that I found posted each day on the websites and provided me support and validation for the emotions that arose from the journey into the shadows. The masters’ words described the things I was feeling and reassured me on how to work my way through the fear and confusion.
To be continued.

Life, so they say, is but a game
And they let it slip away
Love, like the autumn sun
Should be dyin’, but it’s only just begun
Like the twilight in the road up ahead
They don’t see just where we’re goin’
And all the secrets in the universe
Whisper in our ears
And all the years
Will come and go
Take us up, always up
We may never pass this way again
~ Seales and Crofts

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