Sunday 2-12-17 Supposed to girl

Happy Sunday!
“Because I’m easy … easy like Sunday morning.” ~ Lionel Richie
I feel excited to write today. This feeling feels so good! It has been months since I have felt this way. You may be wondering what my blog title means so I will tell you about where it came from.
Two weeks ago Peter and I were out at our bar for our usual ‘catch up’ Friday date night. He was telling me about a client of his, she was lost at the crossroads of her life as she had lived to that point by what she was ‘supposed to do’ just like me. Wow! I hadn’t seen that before, my life as I was ‘supposed to’, that went right into my awareness!
I saw my life flash before me: grew up, got a job, got married, had children. I did all of the things I was supposed to do. And what remains of the “supposed to do” storyline that our culture gives us? Death? Retire and quietly recede from the focus of society?
I feel so blessed to become spiritual awakened on the seeker’s path since I turned 50. What would my life look like if I was left hanging with decades of no more societal direction about what I am supposed to do?

That weekend I checked out what Kryon channelings were recently loaded from 2017 conferences. I was looking for insights into the 2017 big changes that all the other channels I follow are talking about. I wasn’t disappointed in what I found Kryon talking about, instead of predictions of change he spoke on the ‘5 deceptions of the Old Energy’. He gave information about what needs to be recognized and released to prepare for the changes.
So here are the 5 deceptions along with my understanding of his presentation of them:

  1. “That everything repeats; there is nothing new under the Sun.” Kyron said that this cultural belief gives the underlying message that there is nothing to hope for.
  2. “You cannot get ahead.” This cultural belief makes us accept that our life is good enough, this causes us to be happy with just being comfortable like being comfortable is the best this life can offer to us.
  3. “You’re not worthy.” Kryon said this is the biggest lie. The underlying message behind this cultural belief is that God doesn’t love you. This was the big belief that ran through my mind for decades of my life. Where does this come from? Dark forces? Perhaps all of the fear placed on us when we are children by those who care for us – their fear for our safety and security.

(I just reminded myself that I have written about my journey to worthiness so I searched the blog and found the post, Feb-22-15. My conversation with my teenage self was BIG! Is it the struggle that makes us feel unworthy? “My God, why have you forsaken me?” Through so many lifetimes we have gotten so far away as to forget we are Loved and supported and that the journey is the reward. We can no longer appreciate the blessing of Life nor see the beauty that surrounds us in all of God’s manifestations.)

  1. God as having human consciousness. Our beliefs make God dysfunctional Kyron says. We believe that God judges, that God criticizes and has expectations for us that he doesn’t reveal setting us up for failure.

I have been wondering for a few months why Jesus used the word Father when speaking of God when Jesus is the example of human ability to have awareness of the impersonal, non-dual, All That Is, Creator God. This helps to answer the question. If we mere humans must come to understanding God based on our own level of comprehension and consciousness then, instead of seeing God with the dualistic judgmental mind, we should view God as the Father who just loves unconditionally, no judgments or criticism, allowing us to grow in our own way.

  1. Darkness is in control. Kyron said that humans have free choice to be dark but, of course, his messages of the last 3 decades have been inspiring us to embrace the light within each of us. We never lost our free will; the 3d illusion just clouded our minds and hid our power of choice from us.

From watching David Wilcock webcast programs on I have become familiar with the “Law of One” series of channels from the 1980s (I have been reading them but I like better when David explains them, he does a good job with the meaning behind of the wording of the more esoteric concepts). For me, The Law of One has simplified the basis of the Universe, Creation, All That Is, from what I have in recent months been learning from mystics regarding the Trinity and the nature of God. From the Oneness, awareness created separation to obtain experience. The first ‘distortion’ (as Law of One calls it) to the Oneness was FREE WILL! Honoring of free will in all beings is a primary law of the Universe.
We are always able to choose, no one can take that away. We can choose the light path or the dark path, service to others or service to self – God will not judge. God holds all power so no one can take our power of choice from us.
Each one of us is on a path to awakening. The consciousness of the planet and all her peoples are expanding. We do not have to live our lives doing the things we are supposed to do. We can reach for more – reach toward the desires of our hearts. When we clear the deceptions of the old energy and embrace the wellbeing, wholeness, and wonder that the changes of the new age (fifth density) hold for us. There we will reconnect with our true Selves.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21

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