Sunday 10-30-16 Worthy to wonderful!

“We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Happy Sunday!
God made me.
I came to realize worthiness because I finally came to believe that this is true.
Because I became aware of my feeling worthless for most of my life I see in others how it is the root cause of nearly all of the pain we inflict on ourselves and others. It is why we look outside of ourselves for happiness and love to make us feel better: if another loves me more than I am ok; if I take a drink or a pill to numb the continual pain inside; if I a strike out against another for being different or not doing as I expect then they will conform so I can be right.
A simple change of belief that could be added to the things we know about life and life would change. Your birth was not an accident of biology, a soul entered a physical, biological life because God, the creator chose to bring you here.
When we come to realize that a new life comes from the creator, not just through the physical father and mother, what does that change in how we understand ourselves?
Let’s reflect on some different scenarios:
When a child is born into a family this might mean instead of us considering our child a blank slate that we need to teach about, and secure against, everything in the world we would be more observant of the gifts the child brings to the family direct from the creator. We could stop raising them as ‘mini-me’ to fix our mistakes or fulfill the ambitions we were unable to. They are a new person manifesting in this world with a unique expression that God wants to reveal at this time.
If life is created due to a rape, instead of the female victim living with the shame of having had a baby due to a violation and a crime she can more easily move forward and find the good from the bad. She was meant to bear the child and this was the means available to creation to make it happen.
The child of rape becomes the child of God. It will be easier to come to the understanding that you are the beloved creation of God because it is really obvious that it is only God’s intention that you are born and not the will of a caring mother and father.
All life is precious and sacred.
Why are we so ridiculous? If I asked a religious person if God created all things then I believe that person would say yes. What would they say to loving everyone, letting everyone live the lives they choose? I think the response would be different. The world is God’s creation and yet we see fit to change it. We break all the basic creeds of God with our thoughts of judgment and beliefs that only our way is the right way.
How can we do this so easily? How can we proclaim our faith in God and yet abhor all that He created?
Lack of worthiness.
When we feel worthless we live in fear. Anyone that is different from ourselves in form or belief is a risk to our security. We hold these deep scary beliefs that make us act as though it is all about survival: I am all on my own; God didn’t create me; God doesn’t love me; God doesn’t see me; and I have to prove myself to even get noticed.
A song just came to me…
For here you are, Standing there, Loving me. Whether or not you should …
The Beloved is present, always reaching out to me – to all of us. Thank you Lord for always being here even when I didn’t have ‘eyes to see and ears to hear’.
When we understand that God is our creator there is no one left to blame for our mistakes but ourselves. It is easier to release blame on our parents, our teachers, society, because we know they didn’t make me and they are like me – just doing the best that they can.
God made me to be something more – Great! And, it is up to me to choose to let go of what doesn’t serve me, the things that always felt wrong for me and blocked my light from shining.
It’s been an interesting week. I have felt full of energy and inspiration. Signs of change are so clear to me: in the news I read, in the people I meet and the conversations that occur, and in the videos and articles that social media leads me to.
I have a confession to make (which I expect that I am making to my intellectual self as well as those closest to me that identify themselves that way). I have been reading the written predictions of channels about the ‘new age’ manifesting. It seems the angels, aliens, masters, Source energy, etc. are all very vocal right now and they are speaking directly to me. Their words validate all I feel and experience.
The take away for me in the messages this week are:

  1. I am wonderful. To reach Oneness I don’t need practices, processes, or waiting that I may be told by different teachers (unless they feel right). Focus on what I want and get it – I am ready. I want expansion!
  2. God alone is power. It’s time to look at what is in my experience and know what is occurring does not hold any true power over my soul’s evolution. We are to learn to look for the truths hidden in difficult life events. God has a bigger plan.

I have also learned that my wonderfulness is a tool that God will use to bring light into the world. The light, higher energies/ vibrations are coming to all. Some will resist, some will struggle, some will be fearful. It will be the steady lights who will bring ease to others who are unsure.
I want the change and agree to do my part.
Exciting times!
Lord, help me to keep my heart open to those around me. Help me keep my mind quiet to hear the still small voice of your guidance. Help me to see the beauty of your kingdom before me, now and in the times to come.
Thank you.
For here you are
Standing there
Loving me
Whether or not you should

So somewhere in my youth
Or childhood
I must have done something good
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
~ Oscar Hammerstein, from The Sound of Music

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