Sunday 12-27-15 Spiritual Stages

Last Sunday I watched the talk by Michael Beckwith on Super Soul Sessions.  He laid it all out in one 20 minute lecture.
What did he layout?  The stages of human spiritual evolution!
He made sense of the places I’ve traveled and the teachers I have learned from – my whirlwind seeker’s journey was outlined in just a few minutes!
Michael says there are four stages of spiritual evolution for human beings.
Victim — Manifestor — Channel — Being
Here is my interpretation of the stages:

The victim stage is our period of blindness where we are caught up in this world of things. We let ourselves be overwhelmed by all the input that comes into our mind of the physical world brought to us by our five senses.  We believe that the physical world outside of us holds control over whether we are happy or suffering.

In the manifestor stage we have come to realize that we are more than a body that interacts with the physical world we sense around us.  We learn we are eternal beings and that we are the creator of our physical experiences.

In the channel stage we have moved through creating our experiences and found them still lacking, we turn ourselves over to be the expression of God that we are meant to be.

And then being, I think this is where we give up our sense of separation and live in Oneness.  This is enlightenment and living in the Christ consciousness.

In the lecture Michael offered tools to the audience on how to move from one stage to the next.  He said the tool to move from victim to manifestor is to work on forgiveness, to move from manifestor to channel is to give up control.  He didn’t say it in the lecture but I know to move from channel to being is to give up the self/ego.
I started this blog on Sunday but didn’t develop it as the days of the week passed – every time I went back to it I found myself searching the internet for more information therefore I think there is a lot more to learn from this.  I am going to just leave this as it is for my future reference and be patient to see what benefit it may add to my journey.

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