Sunday 8-16-15 Words as Jewels

path acimHappy Sunday!
 “Words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels.” ~ Bowl of Saki, August 16, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Hazrat Khan spoke to me this morning.  He named my heart’s desire.  He said the following:
“Among all the valuable things of this world, the word is the most precious. For in the word, one can find a light which gems and jewels do not possess; a word may contain so much life that it can heal the wounds of the heart. Therefore, poetry in which the soul is expressed is as living as a human being.”  
I have long desired to have the ability to say brief simple Truth and see its impact on another.  I have also been aware that this want may just be my ego wanting to feel special.  Hazrat Khan’s message today makes me think that perhaps my desire is good – I just need to find balance with it being in the service of God and not of myself.
I had a glimpse of the good earlier this week.  I was out to lunch with friends, one female friend there was telling me of a good thing happening in her life.  She said to me that she didn’t want to get too excited; she said “you know how you get your hopes up and things go wrong”.
I am currently reading Brene’ Brown’s book ‘Daring Greatly’ so the thought of ‘foreboding joy’ entered my mind.  I first was going to tell my friend that but I felt it would require a detailed explanation so the words I offered instead were “I believe joy begets joy”.  I saw my friend light up.  It was like she needed an OK from someone to feel happy about her good fortune.  I felt really good about giving her the support she needed to have Faith in feeling good.
Yesterday I went onto Facebook to check what things were going on in my social media. My news feed was full – it was overflowing with positive message posts from all of the authors and spiritual teachers I follow.  As a blogger I provide quotes from those spiritually more advanced than me. These messages are those that make me feel good with where I am right now.  I thought to myself, as I read one affirmation after the other, ‘when does it become OK to offer your own inspirational messages to the masses?’
I know I have jewels within me to offer.  I want to give light to another.
 “I wandered in the pursuit of my own self; I was the traveler, and I am the destination.” ~ Iqbal
I love these words.  They speak to my Truth. They are more valuable to me then jewels as they add to my light and affirm for me that I am heading the right way.
I am feeling optimistic that the way will be revealed that will allow me to be of service with my words, written or spoken.  The validations this week make me feel that what I desire is right for me.
I do think that my awareness of words is quite acute these days. My past self would spend most evenings before falling to sleep recounting conversations and all of the things I wish I had said.  Now I listen to my inner guidance, when I am given a thought I offer it.  When the thought is to stay quiet, I do.
I am also aware when others are not using words that actually express what they want or feel.  I say to myself that they are not being impeccable with their word.  This is my favorite lesson from the “Four Agreements”.
I do at times get lost in the stress of the day and still speak in a reactionary manner.  The good thing is that I notice this and try to learn from it. It is my intention to be be impeccable with my word. I am happy that I no longer beat myself up and that I let go of thoughts of self-denigration.  I know I will do better next time.
So I will move forward in allowing.  I will accept my desires as true and right for me.  I will pick up the things that are laid before me as I journey on my path and know they are breadcrumbs laid before me by you Lord, to bring me back to Me.
And so it is.
“I seek my own identity, and find it in these words: “Love, which created me, is what I am.”  Now need I seek no more.  Love has prevailed.  So still It waited for my coming home, that I will turn away no longer from the holy face of Christ.  And what I look upon attest the truth of the identity I sought to lose, but which my Father has kept safe for me.”  ACIM workbook-p.11 Lesson 229 1:1-5

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