Sunday 1-4-15 Closing the gap

“When you stand with your back to the sun, your shadow is before you; but when you turn and face the sun, then your shadow falls behind you.” ~ Bowl of Saki, January 4, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Happy Sunday!

I found myself upset and frustrated for a couple of days this week.  There is an issue in the family that was the reason I was letting myself be upset.  I was aware that my disturbance was of no value, I was creating a problem about the future.  I know everything is good today and that things will work out for the best.  These thoughts were not enough though to settle me; I was searching for new thoughts to get me back to peace.
As I searched for relief from the discomfort I was feeling I considered my lessons from last Sunday’s blog where I reflected on assumptions of what is good and bad – perhaps it wasn’t my role to find solutions to all problems.  I tried to apply these ideas to try to keep my ego in check, to hold back on letting negative thoughts about others gain any momentum.  I was aware of the right ideas and yet I found no relief.  Then I spent some time listening to Abraham yesterday and got the relief I sought from new understanding about the emotions that I feel.
From a seminar Abraham-Hicks held in Atlanta in November I learned many new lessons about my eternal self and my connection with Source.
The big A-ha came from the following idea provided by Abraham: “don’t give up on the bad; that would be giving up on your guidance system.  Just know when feeling bad that Source has different thoughts on that.”
Abraham was emphasizing in this session that we need to pay attention to our emotions as they are our guidance system.  When we feel negative emotions, this is guidance from Source that we are thinking or acting away from what will move us in the direction of what we want.
That last sentence took some consideration to write as it would have been easier to write negative emotions are a signal to move from the bad toward the good but I intentionally wrote it to be neutral as I am learning that there is no good or bad – they are just perceived assumptions, judgements based on our beliefs. Abraham defined beliefs as just thoughts that we choose to hold onto, this brought me more clarity on how easy it can be to release a belief.
When we feel good emotions it is an indication of high vibration that can move us into alignment with our true selves, our Source, wherein lies the opportunity to achieve all that we desire.  When our emotions feel negative they indicate a lower frequency vibration that indicates a greater gap between ourselves and Source.
Abraham used the analogy of playing the childhood game of getting warmer and colder to find something.  Calling out ‘you’re getting warmer’ indicates the seeker is getting closer to the hidden object and ‘you’re getting colder’ indicates the seeker is moving further from the hidden object.
Abraham is saying that our emotions work in exactly the same way.  Good feeling emotions are saying that we are getting closer to alignment with Source and achieving the high vibrational desires we have wanted.  Uncomfortable feelings (aka bad feelings) mean our vibration has lowered and we will not be able to align with want we want.
Law of attraction has several stages to get through with the tough one seeming to be the creating/manifesting of our desires.  Abraham says it really is simple, just stay aware of our emotions.
“Set a goal to do whatever it takes to feel good now.”
It is interesting to me that I have been so aware of the need to stay positive.  I have written several times about our ability to choose to be happy wishing that other would become aware that they have the ability to do this to move through their perceived troubles.  Now, with greater understanding of this law of our Universe of attraction, I realize that positive things will be attracted to me when I act positively – when my frequency matches the frequency of the good things that I desire.
“Things are always working out for me.”
This morning Joel spoke about God being a merciful God.  He spoke of Jonah who defied God’s request that he go to Nineveh to preach.  Jonah suffered troubles while he was turned away from God but when he was sitting in the belly of the whale he prayed to God speaking words of Faith that God had saved him.  The story says that God commanded the whale to spit Jonah out on shore.
As I listened I saw this story is a metaphor for law of attraction: Jonah suffered lower energy by turning from what he was inspired to do.  He struggled in that lower energy until he chose to make a change.  With his prayer he raised his vibration back up into alignment with his Source by affirming his state of well-being, his Faith in All That Is (God), and thereby Jonah manifested the well-being he wanted.
This is a great and wonderful Universe that we live in.
I choose to feel good because there seems no logical reason to feel otherwise.

  • It feels good to feel good.
  • Feeling bad is probably based on assumptions I am making based on my false perception and wrong beliefs.
  • What is good and what is bad is just in the way that I perceive them.  All that is manifest is here for my use in my journey to realize what I want and don’t want.
  • My eternal-self resides in a Universe of well-being.
  • I am supported by Source, comprised of those I love and the loving essence of all that is.
  • To be in alignment brings me feelings of joy and is the way to manifest my desires.
  • Joy is my purpose.

“The more in harmony with yourself you are, the more joyful you are and the more faithful you are. Faith is not to disconnect you from reality – it connects you to reality.” ~ Paulo Coelho

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