Sunday 9-21-14 Letting the Cork Rise

“If you are paralyzed with fear it’s a good sign. It shows you what you have to do.” ~ Steven Pressfield
Happy Sunday!
Through out the last month and a half of my having gut issues I have thought of the problem as different armies of bacteria in my gut warring against one another to settle on who will take over dominance.  Because of these thoughts my mind has been planning and taking action by trying to assist in the ‘good’ bacteria in winning by taking probiotics.
The analogy just came to me that my actions may be like the USA military providing bombs to local rebels or militia to assist in their efforts – bombs are still bombs, whether for good or bad intent, they cause damage.  I think I have made it through the worst of the war so perhaps it is time to have faith in those little guys in my gut to figure out what will bring balance to my system.
My mind needs to move away from focus on fear of the illness returning so that I am not living in resistance to healing.  I must let go of resistance and have faith that my body will guide me to what will be healing.
As always, these Sunday reflections just bring me such AWE for all that is.  I started this day not knowing what to write about but I recognized that a thought in my mind about my self treatment for my health needed some new consideration.  I went through my usual Sunday routine, I watched Joel Osteen, read my inspiration emails, and did a guided meditation with Abraham, initially not seeing the thread.  I caught it from Abraham saying again that our vibrational energy is like the cork that will automatically rise to the surface if we release the resistance.
Between the thoughts of my gut health and the messages in the lessons I realized I needed to be aware of non-resistance and Faith.  Joel spoke of the hard times not just coming our way to bring us trouble but as a tool for our growth and evolution.
I re-read my blog post of 7-27-14 on resistance and in a quote I provided it says about acceptance “it is simply telling the truth and allowing things to be as they are.”
My truth, I am getting better every day!
So I will work on putting my focus back on the present moment and all that is wonderful right now.  I will pay attention to my intuition.  I will stop worrying about if I have to run to the toilet during some upcoming activity.  I will have Faith that I will make my way through what will come and all will be fine on the other side.
“It may sound odd, but the fastest way to get to a new-and-improved situation is to make peace with your current situation. By making lists of the most positive aspects you can find about your current situation, you then release your resistance to the improvements that are waiting for you. But if you rail against the injustices of your current situation, you hold yourself in Vibrational alignment with what you do not want, and you cannot then move in the direction of improvement. It defies Law.” ~ Abraham – Hicks

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