T-2.VIII The Sole Responsibility of the Miracle Worker.
“When you feel the vast radiation range of your own inner illumination, it will be because you are aware that your right-mindedness is healing.” (4.3)
“The sole responsibility of the miracle worker is to accept the atonement.” (5.1)
In my notes from Day 37, I tell of how I am now thinking of ‘atonement’ as meaning ‘healed’. As I reflected on this section, I noticed my over-simplification ‘healed’ as to body healing. So I paused to get my perception ‘righted’.
Healed … as in returned to the love-light that is in the ‘image of God’ like before the experiences of my wandering off.
The ‘Prodigal Son’ has come to mind. When the son is welcomed by the father, that is salvation (liberation from the separated condition). Atonement for the son occurs when he can accept his place beside his father with mutual love and respect (reconciliation with God and wiping away of separation (our belief in sin)).
Can I accept Atonement? I don’t see why not.
(What’s next HS?)