T-2.VI The Restoration of the Altar.
“The Atonement is the only gift which is worthy of being offered to the altar of God.” (12.1)
In the cac.org Daily Meditation on 1-31-25, Fr. Richard offered that the word ‘salvation’ comes from a Latin word meaning ‘healing’. In my mind, I immediately saw that the word ‘atonement’ means ‘healed’.
Atonement, like being healed, returns me to my natural state of health, or perfection, as my Creator had created. Within this form is the altar that holds my original eternal light Self.
Perhaps the altar gets crushed, blocked off, or buried by lives lived with belief in separation My change in perception returns the sacredness to my holy altar within.
As I choose to honor this place within, my gift from God, I project honor of God, Self, and All out into the world. My behavior expresses my holiness outwardly as I am once again aware of my holiness within. Amen.