ACIM CE Text notes – Day 14

T-1.28-34  – Miracle principles 28-34.


MP 28 summary – miracles organize different levels of awareness.

Revelation = super-consciousness (God) – a love experience – not interpersonal

Miracle = subconscious – are interpersonal (expressions of love)

MP 29 summary – miracles earning release from fear.

Miracles induce interpersonal action. Miracles prepare us for release from fear, until then revelation is fleeting.

MP 30 summary – miracles praise God through you (me).

They are an honoring of God’s creation and affirm spirit identification.

MP 31 summary – miracles inspire gratitude. Miracles honor God’s children’s holiness.

‘External validity belongs only to the spirit”. (T-

MP 32 summary – Christ inspires all miracles (as intercessions).

A miracle is mind put in service of spirit.

MP 33 summary – miracles honor as he (each of us) is loveable.

They dispel illusions to perceive the light in others. Mind serving spirit is invulnerable.

MP 34 summary – miracles restore mind to spirit. The strength of spirit has no room for intrusions.

The duty of those forgiven/released is to join Christ in forgiving and releasing.

Wow!. I’m feeling awe over these principles as they have just taught me of the nature of mind, mystical experiences, spirit, and God. I had never realized that each principle built on the last in providing us a model on how our mind functions in this illusory world.

My awe grew further when I thought of my studying the Text at this time (how I was guided and prepared to have my focus primed and ready). The and the CE version of the Text came into my awareness just as my interest in my previous ACIM teachers was waning. It is with appreciation that I acknowledge that there are so many individual spirits who opened their minds to spiritual guidance for me to be able to receive this gift of wisdom. I am honored. I have received a miracle (or many).

I promise to keep being guided along this path to take action as You plan for me.

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