ACIM CE Text notes – Day 6

T-1.16-19  – Principles of Miracles 16 – 19.


Reflection 1: I am of inestimable worth. (These reflections are offered by Robert Perry in his commentary on the day’s assigned Text reading.)

God needs me to be a child of light to help a world sick and hurting. I feel more comfortable hearing this today as I find the Course has trained me well. I understand the deeper and expansive concepts, as well as I can see what I was unable to see before. Therefore I find it logical that I have gained this knowledge for a purpose.

I have something to do as I am needed.

But … am I worthy of the call … just for being?

As I learn all of the stories of Helen’s journey (in this life and her past lives) it now makes sense that she was a scribe of such an important message.

Why does someone need so many qualifications for me to accept them as a messenger from God? Is God not great enough to speak through anyone, even me?

Reflection 2: I need to forget and remember.

Here my thoughts build on my previous reflection …

I need to forget that I believed myself limited and remember that I am limitless as a spark of the light of God.

“A miracle shines through the darkness and brings in the light.” (T-

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