Sunday 10-1-2023 – Blessed Homework

Happy Sunday!

I want to share a Seminary homework assignment here on the blog. One of our textbooks is  The Ten Challenges, by Leonard Felder.

For the month were were to read and reflect on Chapter 1: Discovering the Still Small Voice Within. In this book the author uses a chapter to go through the Ten Commandments and relate them to the world today, the challenges that we have and how to resolve them with an open heart. Below I give my experience as well as guidance from HS.

I found a lot of resistance to this reading which made it difficult for me to receive the loving intention of the message of this chapter. I find the violence of the Old Testament to be very upsetting. Additionally, I have been exposed to many theories of alternative origins and translations that fill my mind and sway my perspective. After a couple of attempts to find a way into writing this reflection, I found the best route was to turn it over to God. I asked for help. It is surprising that in my resistance, spirit answered my call – that I didn’t have to be in a blissed-out state to receive this.  ‘HS’ I like to call this voice within me (Holy Spirit/Higher Self). In 2018, while writing my blog posts, I began opening up to this other voice. As the years go by, I check in with HS routinely during the day, though, I must admit, it has been a while since HS has taken the lead in a conversation on my blog.

[Although this material is very triggering, the intention behind it is wonderful and needed in this world. God is Love and needs to be spread by many to be received by many more in whatever form an individual can receive it. There are communities in which this scripture is important. Don’t forget that these are laws that managed nations for centuries. Once interpreted one way, now is the time for a new light to be shown on them.]

[Much pain has come in my name. Why not give the children of today words of a loving God, ready to reach out my hand in an offer of relationship? Things need to change and are changing. Please don’t resist. Heart instead of head.]

[A beloved people, waiting to be joyful, are ready for new laws. Or no laws … that are meant to diminish them. Kind hearts will act with care for one another without these basic laws. Christ’s voice spoke it once and will speak it again through many. Love one another. What say you, Tricia?]

I am in! I feel humbled by this experience of letting go. I am grateful for the grace of this experience; of You’re clearing away the nonsense of my mind and returning me to the truth at the heart of things. I will do better. Other people have other blessings to offer such as teaching scripture or being in a community that honors scripture. My way of quiet and listening, like all things, has good and bad associations as the judgements my mind games make me realize now. Thank You for the inspiration, clarity, and presence of Love I feel from your intervention.

Just a homework assignment, but a great blessing.

[ ] denotes response from HS.

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