ACIM Lesson 68 notes.

Love holds no grievances.


“To hold a grievance is to forget who you are.”

This morning, I am still feeling the glow of the realization of yesterday – I am light! So, this lesson is pointing out the clouds I created that block my light.

My illusions about myself and others come from the grievances I make up. I see an angry, sad, violent world so I blame God for this. I see God as angry, sad, and/or violent.

“When I let all my grievances go, I will know I am perfectly safe.”

God is Love, like the Sun, always shining even behind the clouds. In knowing this, I can trust God. I can feel safe in the Love that is eternal. I can see differently when trouble arises. Instead of blaming God, I can appeal to HS for comfort, to feel God’s peace and strength.

“I would wake to my Self by laying all my grievance aside and wakening in Him.”


Love, God, created me like itself. The lesson says that no one can conceive of his Creator as unlike himself. So we make God into and angry, punishing judging energy.

(Is it because I am controlling that I do not trust God, having made God controlling in my mind?)

There is a place within me that is clear … the eternal innocent loving presence where ‘my Father and I are one’, as Jesus said.

My grievances do not serve my goal or function.

Dear Love, please help me to know myself, to release what does not serve what We want for me.


“When I let all my grievances go, I will know I am perfectly safe.”

“Love holds no grievances. Let me not betray myself.”

“Love holds no grievances. I would wake to my Self by laying all my grievances aside and wakening in Him.”

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