In quiet I receive God’s word today.
I can’t seem to get quiet today. I am still in high vibrations after the wonderful classes yesterday on New Thought. By Pastor Greg Stamper and on ACIM given by Rev. Diane Berke. It was so beautiful and inspiring that I can’t settle.
After a long period of trying by listening to the lesson, re-reading it, reading my past notes, I finally got quiet for a few seconds and said, ‘OK God, hurry the message!’.
I heard, ‘Silly’. 😊
This reminded me of Rev. Diane speaking of the ‘tiny, mad idea’. (T.27.VIII.6.2) “The Son of God remembered not to laugh”.
Today feels like a good day for laughing. My spirit is high and excited! I’m ready for fun and for silliness!
So be it!
“It is your voice to which you listen as He speaks to you. It is your word he speaks.”
In my early days of spiritual exploration, an online teacher prompted us students to ask and listen for a response from God, as this lesson does. I was so afraid, I expected a loud male voice to speak in my head, then telling me all I had done wrong or needed to fix. I was courageous, allowed, to then hear my inner voice. ‘I am well pleased.’
I questioned the message as the tone was familiar, but I knew it to be a true experience as the message was unique. I never said kind things like that to myself.
You are with me. You are in me. And my brothers and sisters are just the same as me … Holy children of God. Each one Loved and heard.
“There is peace within you to be called upon today.”
Quiet …
Hi God. 😊
What should I know today? [Love]
(I gave myself time to feel the answer in my body.)
Keys that Hollie provided in her notes:
- You are not in trouble;
- Your innocence is fully held and seen;
- The locks have not been changed and you have the key within you, all along.
Key in hand – be still – open door.
Quiet is key.