ACIM Lesson 233 notes.

I give my life to God to guide today.


“And so it is a day of countless gifts and mercies unto us.”

‘My gift’ will be my thought for today to return me to Love’s Presence. Why would I hold back my gift of my attention when I know I will receive so much more in return. Love is light, peace, truth, strength, and joy.

My gift is Me.


“Earth is being born again in new perspective. Night has gone, and we have come together in the light.” ~ W.Part II.2.4,5-6


Last night I was reading chapter 4 of the Manual for Teachers. It is about the characteristics of a teacher. The first trait described was Trust, then Honesty, and then Tolerance. (Which is actually about judgement – something I need to work on.)

I think that I am in a good place with trust in God as well as honesty, but not doing very well with Tolerance/non-judgement and the traits described in this section. I believe these characteristics build on one another so that advancement in one opens up to understanding and then flows into the next.

I will spend sometime reflecting on trust in God so this lesson is in perfect timing.

“This is His day. And so it is a day of countless gifts and mercies unto us.”


I give this day to God. Let us be present together; I know God is always there at home – I am the one wandering. I wish to be home.

I feel my roots deep in that place, but the new growth has only just begun. Growth that will shine God’s light into this world. The new growth has appeared before only to be trodden upon by life … my choices.

The roots are strong so shining new growth appears once again.

Help me to grow in the light. I give this day …

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