ACIM Lesson 195 notes.

Love is the way I walk in gratitude.


Again, this year, this lesson reminded me that there are differences to what I call gratitude. There is gratitude I carry for being a fortunate person on this planet. This the lesson calls insanity as it is promoting seeing myself as separate.

“Gratitude can only be sincere if it be joined to Love.” (para.4)

This year I experienced this true gratitude after the passing of my mother. The Love that flowed around me for many days brought an enveloping field of gratitude.

Still, as I read the lesson, I felt regret as the lesson described what felt difficult for me which is to see all the fear, pain, and struggle as part of me. As I read paragraph 7, an image formed in my mind. I thought of all of those who suffer and could be eased by inclusion in God’s Love by me. Perhaps there are a few really bad people, but this should not stop me from loving all who are hurting due to a lack of Love.

“I bless you brother, with the Love of God, which I would share with you.” (L127)


I am comfortable with the practice of gratitude, but this lesson has made me feel uncomfortable.

I think we all give thanks to God when we see sad things in this world that affect others and not us. As I re-read the fourth paragraph, the understanding came of seeing gratitude from the place of the whole body of humanity.

“It will never be that some are loosed while others are still bound.”

“We thank our Father of one thing alone, that we are separate from no living thing, and therefore one with Him.”

A couple of thoughts here …

One, where I go, how I lift myself up in my walk toward God, brings along all others. It gives them an opportunity to join the walk.

Second, I am part of God’s creation, created with the intention of beauty. I’m a cell within the body of Christ, God’s manifestation. There are troubled cells (mostly of the human type) but mostly we cells are thriving on the gifts that we receive from our Source.

I am grateful.


“Gratitude can only be sincere if it be joined to Love.”

“We give thanks for every living thing, for otherwise we offer thanks for nothing, and we fail to recognize the gift of God to us.’

We must see the wholeness of ourselves with Love, no comparison, to be sincere in gratitude.

I need more on this lesson, but there is a little crack. ‘We reap what we sow.’

I am grateful for my life and for my knowing that I can choose to see things differently and choose Love. I can love those who chose to be victims, but this still makes my gratitude a comparison.

Please help with my understanding. _/\_

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