ACIM Lesson 187 notes.

I bless the world because I bless myself.


“Never forge you but give but to yourself. Who understands what giving means must laugh at the idea of sacrifice.” (par.6)

I found paragraphs 6 and 7 of this lesson very difficult. My mind could only think of all the communities around the world that are suffering right now. I questioned the wording of the lesson. How could I laugh?

Seeking help, I turned to Hollie’s notes where I received a beautiful image of the altar of giving and receiving offered in paragraph 10. But still I did not find the understanding I sought to accept what the lesson was teaching about sacrifice and pain. So, I took a break to make breakfast.

As I walked around the kitchen, I asked HS to bring me the answer – it came right away.

First, I thought of the statement that we only give to ourselves. Hollie had also told of her mentor reminding her that in teaching she was only teaching herself. I heard ‘you’, so went back to the lesson to consider the two paragraphs with perspective on myself.

At my desk, I thought of the idea of sacrifice which the lesson says is the cause of pain. Feeling resistant to the word ‘sacrifice’, I changed this to the idea of loss. I quickly saw the illusion.

There can be no loss in eternal wholeness!

Understanding came as I saw that applying this idea to myself, then I can choose to see the ‘illusion’. I can find humor in the times I realize that I’ve forgotten to be in my heart centered wholeness.

As far as the pain of the outside world, it feels significant to bring my blessing to the altar of giving and receiving. It is there that I lay my blessings to others for God to extend in the most beneficial way.

Filled with gratitude for this lesson. _/\_

“Now are we blessed, and now we bless the world.” (par.11)


“Protect all things you value by the act of giving them away, and you are sure that you will never lose them. What you thought you did not have is thereby proven yours.”

One of my Course-mates posted that they can’t have peace unless everything is right with their adult children. This is why I posted this quote from the lesson.

A few years ago I was still strongly attached to my kids, where I was still trying to influence their lives — to make things how I thought they should be so I could be at peace. Crisis came for both kids, which as adults, they had to get through and I had to let go. I am not in their lives everyday, so I feel such gratitude when they include me and show me they are thinking of me. They show me that they love me because they want to and not because they have to (in my role as their mother). It is awesome!


New understanding today from this lesson!

It is in giving that we receive – yes, I know this but don’t quite believe it yet.

“Never forget you but give to yourself. Who understands what giving means must laugh at the idea of sacrifice.”


Everything I give away is a blessing on the Whole, which I am part of. I cannot be less or have less, therefore there is no sacrifice.

I don’t understand yet how this extends into no suffering.

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