I gladly make the ‘sacrifice’ of fear.
“You ask [me] to give up all suffering, all sense of loss and sadness, all anxiety and doubt, and freely let Your Love come streaming into [my] awareness, healing [me] of pain, … continue reading
“You ask [me] to give up all suffering, all sense of loss and sadness, all anxiety and doubt, and freely let Your Love come streaming into [my] awareness, healing [me] of pain, … continue reading
“If I would have what only You can give, I must accept Your Will for me, and enter into peace where conflict is impossible.”
A phrase got my attention recently. It is ‘unconditional … continue reading
I change how I see the world. Life has taught me that others may be jerks but that it is just how they are showing up in my perception because of … continue reading
“… bless all things which I may look upon that His forgiving Love may rest on me.”
And move through me out into the world.
I want all the gifts the lesson … continue reading
“This the determination not to be asleep in dreams of death, while truth remains forever living in the joy of Love.”
I am as God created me. Love created me as … continue reading
“Today let me give honor to Your Son [children], for thus alone I find the way to You.”
It is in how I see others, is how I see Love, or … continue reading
“I am.”
As I have referenced before, the last few weeks I have a practice of singing ‘I am light’ by India.arie to center myself. (L241) This song brings … continue reading
God, my Father-Mother, I Love You.
“We find that stillness now.” (para.2)
(This is me with words of welcome, waiting for His step toward me as offered in the Part … continue reading
“Your name upon our [my] lips.”
The review period that has just finished has been a blessing due to the method I used of just simplifying the lesson idea … continue reading
“My mind holds only what I think with God.”
133] I will not value what is valueless.
Great Love, help me to let go of any needs I must hold and possess worldly … continue reading