Happy Sunday!
Here is my Sunday morning conversation!
Hello. I’m here.
Good morning.
Happy Sunday! (Said in unison.)
Where am I going? What am I doing?
What do you actually want to know?
Am I ok?
Of course.
Why the … continue reading
Author Archives: Tricia
Sunday 4-1-18 – Conversation 2 Easter Feast
Happy Easter!
Here is my morning conversation on this day of Glory!
Dear She/Lord, blessings and honor to you this glorious day.
And so to you. What to speak of?
I want to rejoice in resurrection power this day.
So … continue reading
Sunday 3-25-18 – A conversation
Sunday March 25, 2018
Happy Sunday! I thought I would try some spontaneous writing this morning. Here is what occurred in conversation with my higher Self.
Thank you She/Lord for my eyes feeling better today. I just realized that I … continue reading
Sunday 12-10-17 Being a Lightworker
Happy Sunday Lightworkers!
I’ve been on this path this year and it has made me quiet; I recognize that it is like the other paths I have taken during my spiritual journey – it is guided.
I’ve spent most of … continue reading
Sunday 11-12-17 The Banquet
“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son.” ~ Matthew 22
Happy Sunday!
I am talking a deep breathe and filling myself with gratitude as I am writing! … continue reading
Health – cyst removal
Winter 2017
I don’t like cysts.
I had a couple removed a few years back and it was not a fun time. Minor surgery which means being awake – this way you know all the struggles the surgeon is having … continue reading
Vision – Kiss from the Sun
As I went into meditation today I had the thought to think of myself as a neuron in the mind/brain of Source. I hoped this might be a way to connect to my higher Self.
In the meditation I … continue reading
Sunday 6-11-17 Divine Electric Universe
Happy Sunday!
Earlier in the week I was watching Youtube and this younger person I have been watching for an alternative perspective on the news mentioned a film on Gaia about the electric Universe model. I had learned something of … continue reading
Sunday 6-4-17 Me, me, me
“The smart have their theories, the wise have their scars.” ~ Wayne Wirs
Happy Sunday!
There is someone in my life who lately I have been continuously feeling critical about. Why can’t they choose to be peaceful and happy?
Earlier … continue reading
Sunday 4-9-17 Who is God?
Happy Sunday!
Well I am grateful for my last posting as just rambling some new ideas about the vastness of the impersonal God allowed me to release it and get comfortable again my personal God.
Who is it these days?… continue reading