T-2.IX The Correction of Fear.
“The Atonement is the perfect love that shines away all of our lovelessness. So accepting it into ourselves is the same thing as letting Jesus guide our will. It is just different language for the same idea as accepting into ourselves a more loving will.” ~ CircleofA.org Day 41 commentary.
I am still feeling some resistance to asking Jesus for help. This quote soothes the ill feelings to where I feel peace again. Releasing to a ‘more loving will’ seems quite reasonable as well as caring to myself.
2-11-2025 An additional thought.
Dr. Mercola’ daily newsletter had an article this morning about a study that is showing that memory is held in all cells, not just brain cells. I knew that this had to be as consciousness must be in all living things. (“As above, so below’, per a Hermetic principle.) Therefore, mind would be group consciousness of the cells of the body.
My thoughts next went to my resistance to turning my will to Jesus. I realized that I am resisting the group consciousness of Christ.
When I let go and align my mind with Jesus/Christ, I return to the group that is my home.