As a seminary assignment this month we were to write a 20 minute long inspirational talk, and then, cut it down to 4 minutes to share with our class.

Welcome, and good morning to you.
As a school writing … continue reading
As a seminary assignment this month we were to write a 20 minute long inspirational talk, and then, cut it down to 4 minutes to share with our class.
Welcome, and good morning to you.
As a school writing … continue reading
In the CircleofA Day 50 commentary, this section is summarized into two points. The first is that we can forget about lower-order-concerns (like the example given of worry over the storage of stuff). … continue reading
“Nothing is lovely to the unloving. This is because the are creating ugliness.” ~ Cameo 14
This lesson that Jesus gave to Helen and Bill is about how when we make unkind choices, … continue reading
“This course is a mind-training course.” (1.2)
I needed the extra commentary today from CircleofA to help me find the purpose of this section. In the paragraphs that spoke of ‘mental retardation’, I did … continue reading
“Whatever you make or create is real in your eyes, but not necessarily in the sight of God.” (1.1)
‘The Final Judgement’ is called in paragraph 5 ‘right evaluation’ as it … continue reading
“Mastery of love necessarily involves on much more complete confidence in the ability than you have as yet attained. Readiness, however, is at least an indication that you believe this is possible.” (10.4-5)
I … continue reading
“Remember that you did not create yourself.” (22.1)
This section was an interesting read on early psychology. I am not sure I needed to know all that was given. It makes me feel … continue reading
“The content of the miracle level is not recorded in the individual’s unconscious because if it were, the miracle would not be automatic or involuntary, which we have said repeatedly that it should … continue reading
“You have been afraid of God, of me, of yourself, and of practically everyone you know … The vulnerable are essentially mis-creators, because they misperceive creation.” (12.1,4)
I have 3 take-aways from … continue reading
“The Atonement is the perfect love that shines away all of our lovelessness. So accepting it into ourselves is the same thing as letting Jesus guide our will. It is just different language for … continue reading