ACIM CE Text notes – Day 8

T-1.20-23 – Miracle principles 20 – 23.


MP 20 summary – miracles rest on eternity, not the arch of time.

There is the logic of the world or the logic of grace.

MP 21 summary – miracles bring aware of spirit over body – this is the altar of truth.

“It is only when the means and ends are not of same reality that there is fear.” (T-

MP 22 summary – miracles are expressions of total forgiveness.

“Miracles are natural expressions of total forgiveness. Through miracles, you affirm your acceptance of God’s forgiveness by extending it to others.” (T-

Reflection on Miracle principles 22:

While working on today’s Text lesson, I got curious, so I went and read the URText for these miracle principles. (I’m still trying to understand where all these new extended principles come from as well as the stories that form the cameos.)

In the URText document, under principle 23, Jesus speaks about when we are in atonement (return to our original state) we join the ‘Great Crusade’ whose slogan is ‘Listen, Learn, and Do’. This is explained as ‘listen to my voice, learn to undo the error, and DO something to correct it.’ (URText pg. 19)

This idea got my attention because there have been several sources lately that have come to my awareness speaking about Jesus’ gospel message having been about doing. This lesson today supports these other messages I have been noticing.

Why is this message coming to me?

Yes. I have accepted the call to ministry. While still at the student stage, is Jesus giving me a lesson on this? Is there error I need to undo?

I got a flash of insight that it is in how I see my brothers and sisters.

I am listening teacher … friend … Jesus.

MP 23 summary – miracles reverse physical laws. We are greater than this physical world.

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