ACIM Lesson 313 notes.

Now let a new perception come to me.


“And love will come whenever it is asked.”

In her notes on this lesson, Hollie related love to water flowing and filling in where there is an open area. She said that we are like buckets and that we fill ourselves with unnecessary false ‘stuff’. When we clear thoughts and false beliefs within, then love has room to flow in.

I will add to this …

when I am filled with Love then it can flow out from me to others.


“And love will come wherever it is asked.”

I regularly watch a video series by a man who runs a dog rescue and sanctuary. Yesterday, he posted a video asking people to stop hating and to love. I appreciated his message but was fearful for him – just saying too much, raising his risk of saying the wrong thing that I thought could cause people to attack him.

Today, I appreciate his courage and am thinking that this kind of risk taking maybe how love needs to come into this world. Perhaps, loving people with clear vision cannot remain silent any longer.

“Let us today behold each other in the sight of Christ.”

Loving vision, I ask to see.


I’m planning a gathering which is making me anxious. In the past I over did things and had certain expectations that left me with hurt feelings after the event. I say, ‘it was hard work.’ My perception says this is bad.

The hurt came from expectation and judgements I made about others. I chose to do everything myself. I chose to think the work was bad. (The work can be a blessing, or a gift, or even fun!)

Its my choice: to form no expectations; to see with a new perception; see with an open heart and the eyes of Christ.

… with Love.

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