ACIM Lesson 246

To Love my Father is to Love his Son.


To Love God is to Love myself and others.

I feel like I failed at this yesterday evening and it hurt after great insights from lesson 245. I reacted in an unloving way toward P. And looking at it now I am more sad to realize that it took me several minutes to come out of self-righteousness.

(The following is my rant at HS as my faith was rattled.)

Where were You? Where was the prompting – the mindfulness? I was lost! I’m trusting You to intervene, to bring  the pause so I can check in with my heart. I messed up. Are You there, HS?

[Peace. ‘Your peace is with me.’]

Ok. I feel it now. There were no feelings from You then … no still small voice. No questioning within about my behavior. How do I go forward? I don’t feel that I can trust myself to be loving – this is why I ask for help!

[Peace, again.]

Please say more.

[I am here always. You move away.]

I was just in my head, trying to cook a nice dinner. How is that too far to be reached?

[Come back. ‘Be still and know, I am, God.’]

[Your head/mind is another universe, a world of your own creation. Come back to My world … Our world. Is there love in your mind?]

I think of others all of the time and how I can, or should, act to be loving.

[But is it loving?]

Yes. Many of my actions are causal to love flowing between me and another.

[Love is always flowing. Humans are the blocks. You could just sit still with loving intention, releasing your blocks to Love’s flow. The work is not the Love.]

OK … I hear You. I separate when I work. I leave God’s world to go into the world where I must plan, focus, to do it all just right (by my own judgment). It is a very familiar place for me. Sorry … I did not realize that I traveled such a distance.

[Because you have lived there a very long time. You have been welcomed Home. Please stay!]

I choose to be Home in God as I move through my day.

[ ] denotes response from HS.


“I will accept the way You choose for me to come to You, my Father … And so I choose to love Your Son.”

It is choosing God’s will that I love His Son, the Creation. No judgement. No attack. No ruminations on how to fix things in my own way. I love God’s Creation, as created, as Tricia. I love everyone and everything as God created.

Dear Lord, it is all here within me and surrounding me. Please help me to see with Your eyes of Love as You would have me see.


“Let me not try to hurt God’s son and think that I can know my Father, or myself.”

I think, that to reflect on giving and receiving, I can’t know something until I give it. I can’t know God’s Love unless I give it. I can’t know Self love unless I give it.

Loving-kindness is key, no personal agenda, other than to give.

Help me please to get past the actions the ego wants to be with others and give as God wills.

CAC newsletter today, the parable was the prodigal son, with emphasis on the egoic action of the older son. Cynthia Bourgeault wrote of the Father/God role as ‘divine mercy’. The sower parable, CAC lesson of a few days ago, focused attention on the sower casting abundance over all with no discretion.

If we are meant to know God’s Love, we have to open to sharing Divine Mercy, love with no discretion, belief in abundance, sharing. Thank you for these insights.

“Let me not fail to recognize myself, and still believe my awareness can contain my Father.”

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