ACIM Lesson 124 notes.

Let me remember I am one with God.


Before I began my lesson this morning, while going through my emails, I read of a beautiful practice from Integral Christian Network (ICN). The practice was to kiss God by kissing my own hand.

First, I kissed my palm which felt awkward. The email had a photo of a person with hand over fist raised to their lips. I recognized that I do this movement when I am listening to something emotional. I can add a kiss to this to make conscious my shared oneness with another who is hurting – by kissing God.

I’m feeling energy that joins us. What will the kiss mean?

That God is with us. Also, Love of God to you.

“Let me remember I am one with God.”

Perhaps the kiss is a reminder to myself that we are all here together, in this moment, as one being.


“We have accepted, and we now would give.”

The seventh paragraph says that we are saved and healed and that we can save and heal others. I believe this is speaking of forgiveness, which is our role once we have accepted, we are one with God. Forgiveness is giving (see Lesson 122) with just some internal work needed beforehand (‘fore’ defined as earlier in the order of occurrence). Forgiveness is letting go to give to another with open-hearted, unconditional intent because we realize what we held onto was nothing.

As they frequently do, my CAC Daily Meditation (5-4-2023) supports this reflection.

“It is as if we have been clinging to the wall of a mountain of our own making, a mountain of expectations, striving, and goals. When that mountain disappears, we plummet….” ~Barbara Holmes, CAC

“Let me remember I am one with God.”

 “When we let go, the only constants are God’s love and God’s promise that we will never be left alone.” ~Barbara Holmes, CAC

I am one with God when I accept that there are bigger thoughts and intent than my own, when I can return to my innocent Christ self to offer the gifts I have received. _/\_

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