The light has come.
“I have forgiven the world.”
I am reminded of Lesson 71 where we ask God ‘what would you have me do?’ In my practice a few days ago, the response I got was one that ease my trepidation that God expects a lot from me. In this lesson we are told the way God intends for us: peaceful, serene, healed, saved.
“The light has come.”
This lesson is the balm to the fear and trepidation that arose from the recent lesson in which we considered letting got to God’s will and God’s plan for my salvation.
This is my third year of working through these lessons. I notice the fear diminishing. I must actually be starting to believe that God Loves me. And the words of this lesson are the same as what I want for myself.
Is trust growing?
My expansive heart tells me, YES!
“We dedicate this day to the serenity in which God would have you be. Keep it in your awareness of yourself and see it everywhere today, as we celebrate the beginning of your vision and the sight of the real world, which has come to replace the unforgiven world you thought was real.”
I am so blessed.
A few weeks ago, an event occurred in which my husband and I were moments from death. We suspected the risk. He took action and I prayed and asked for help from Arch Angel Michael. How it was resolved showed us it was a miracle.
For days afterward I knew I was in a field of grace. (It was like the two timelines were so close. There was a surreal feeling of the close possibility of the one where I am no longer alive.) Such a blessing, added to by the recent birth of my granddaughter, which takes me right into the field of light.
“The light has come.”
In this field, I do see the world differently: no one is to blame, all things are from God for our greatest good, my will and God’s will are one as I too want the greatest good for all (and have seen that God’s way is best). Also, I see that my usual ways of doing things have no meaning.
“Dwell not upon the past today. Keep a completely open mind, washed of all past ideas, cleaned of every concept you have made.”
Here I am, blessed, in a field of grace, loving those around me.
“The light has come. I have forgiven the world.”

“The light has come. I have forgiven the world.”
Wow! I didn’t realize this was such a special day.
It’s a gray morning. I’ve dealt with wording of a couple difficult emails and had bathroom issues. But I am blessed to open ACIM to find this affirmation.
“The light has come. I have forgiven the world.”
And I feel I can do this! I let go of negative thoughts of past events inflicting pain on one group of people by another. (Tribalism, nationalism … lots of isms to release.)
I am blessed. Now is good.
Now Love flows!