ACIM Lesson 293 notes.

All fear is past and only Love is here.


“In the present love is obvious, and its effects apparent.”

Love is here.

I feel love so strongly since Mom’s passing. Lord, help me to have it stay. There is a vulnerability and openness to me. I see and sense others more strongly right now. Is this how compassion feels?

My heart is open, but I don’t think it was broken to be this way. I opened my heart to give, and Love was received. (I shared my poem and visitation.) I let go of past fears of being open and exposing my heart. I shared what was important to me and loved flowed out, around the room into others, and right back into my heart.

Only love was there, then, and flows still here and NOW.


“Nor let my ears be deaf to all the hymns of gratitude the world is singing underneath the sound of fear.”

Thank you, Lord for the reminder that there are many like myself who practice gratitude. There are those in continual prayer, down on their knees in devotion, as well as in the world practicing loving-kindness. It is a good world striving for more … seeking.

I join today with others in bringing your Holy world to light – to our awareness.

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