ACIM Lesson 276 notes.

The word of God is given me to speak.


“What is the word of God?”

“My Son is pure and holy as Myself.”

My child, my creation …

The scribe asked the question, was open, and received the message that was needed to be received by us.

I summarize:

Because of the sharing of this light was relationship created between Creator and creation. This is a gift of Love. Let us accept God’s gift. We will struggle to know our True Selves and purpose until we accept our innocence and holiness.

It’s easy to take the gift — God is Love and so are we.


Am I ready? I’m not feeling it today.

I’ve read this lesson a couple of times, listened, and even read Hollie’s notes prior to writing this entry. I’m not feeling the flow. I placed my hand on the book and it has helped. I go to my I am’ mantras:

I am the love; I am the light; I am the truth; I am the Christ; I am the holy child of God; I am as God created me; I am.

The flow is returning. I am Love.

Thank you Lord. 😊 <3

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