ACIM Lesson 256 notes.

God is the only goal I have today.


“Forgiveness is the means by which our minds return to Him at last.”

I am here.

It took some effort to engage with the lesson this morning. Thank you, Angel of Lesson 256. Thank you, Hollie for your audio file of the lesson; listening, my mind finally took interest in the words, therefore comprehension followed.

Forgiveness is the means … I think of this as easy. But there are systematic parts of our society that anger me.

Tolerance came to mind – specifically the section of chapter 4 of the Manual for Teachers.

Oh, yes … I am reminded … Who am I to judge? It is insanity to think that I see all parts of issues to be able to form a judgement.

God will impress on me the issues and places I should take action. God is our goal.


“God is our goal; forgiveness is the means by which our minds return to Him at last.”

“Forgiveness recognized what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred.” ~W.II.1 What is forgiveness?

I see only what my mind is able to perceive. I don’t know it true in this world.

Dear God, you are my goal. I wish to feel Love and be Love for my brother. The place for that is with You. Help me to take the step.

What would you have me do? Where would you have me go? What would you have me say and to whom?

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