ACIM Lesson 251 notes.

I am in need of nothing but the Truth.


“I sought for many things … But now see that I need only truth. In that all things are satisfied …”

This lesson was a smooth, easy read; each word being my truth.

To be in this world and, in brief moments, to receive recognition of God’s truth is true bliss.


When recently doing editing on my novel, my main character has a major life decision to make. She asks herself, what do I want? When I asked this question of myself my answer is, connection with God.

The daily reflection from Richard Rohr (CAC, Center for Action and Contemplation) described why this is, and who I am.

“He has experienced the absolute, and the relative will never again totally satisfy him. He aches for God, and the aching now becomes seeking.”

Today’s CAC reflection described a person after a peak/mystical experience. They go on living, but frustrated as others don’t understand them. They are hypocritical as they fall back into this world but always knowing the greater Truth.

“We know the truth, even though we can never live up to it. Hence forward, the only sin would be to deny that it is the truth.” CAC 9-8-2022.

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