ACIM Lesson 227 notes.

This is my Holy Instant of release.


“And I am free because I was mistaken, and did not affect my own reality at all by my illusions.”

With my heart recently opened, it is confusing to understand why it was closed. I see my mind making up excuses as to why I ignored the people in my life. I am strong enough now, through God’s Love, to stop the excuses. The only response I find reasonable to offer in apology is, ‘I was mistaken’ (along with ‘I’m sorry, please forgive me).

I am in need of forgiveness, Lord. I too hurt, but hid in a place of ‘I’m OK’. Please bring forgiveness onto me this holy instant.

I am free. I am Loved. I give Love.


“I am free.”

My life is good and quiet. There are two household related things that have stressed me over the weekend. The lesson today has brought forward that I create the illusions that block the Love of Home/Source from being my felt reality.

Richard Rohr’s email today set the stage for this opening by describing suffering as ‘any form of limitation’, a loss of our control of expectations.

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