ACIM Lesson 224 notes.

God is my Father, and He Loves His Son.


God is my Father-Mother, and they Love their child (me).

This change of wording gives this title the energy for me to feel it personally. I can usually see past the masculine terms, but there are just too many here. I could not identify with the gifts of this lesson as worded.

Child of God who is much Loved. And whose gift of light is meant to shine.


“My true identity is secure.”

I am the holy child of God, my identity is secure. My work right now is to be secure in the knowing that I am beloved as I am. There is a light within me, given to me, in His likeness, that I will recognize, accept, and share with the world. I am Love, I am Light, I am truth, I am.

This is the illusion’s end. It is the truth …”

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