ACIM Lesson 184 notes.

The name of God is my inheritance.


“Use all the names the world bestows on them but for convenience, yet do not forget they share the Name of God along with you.” (par.11)

The lesson today spent a lot of time describing how we classify everything in our world, and by doing this causes separation.

“Thus do you think you have given life in separation.” (par.2)

I wanted only to get to the point of the lesson that, I knew with certainty, would come back to seeing everything as One and whole in God.

To be honest, I’m not really feeling the ‘Name of God’ invitation which seems necessary to understand the intent of the lesson. Although, while reading, what came to mind was a peer in a recent webinar speaking of feeling the wholeness within herself and being able to look back at life events to see how she would have acted differently if she had held her wholeness perspective. My understanding of her story raised the question for me …

While feeling wholeness within me, how does this actually make me aware of my connection to others?

Hollies notes answered this. “And what unites is our shared truth. The shared truth that we are connected by the never-changing Love, by the wholeness that connects everyone and everything.” ~Hollie Holden

Yes. I feel this, truth, when I feel myself coming from my open-hearted place of wholeness. The Name of God practice returns my focus and opens my heart to be able to feel my wholeness in God.


This lesson is about Oneness, that all our names for things separate what is just One beyond our perception. I have been inspired by Hollie’s notes to have a go at a poem.

View of the Garden.

Red, yellow, pink, blue.

Leafy, lush, leggy.

Wonderful scent; beautiful color.

All so very different that I have called them so.

Red, yellow, pink, and blue, its my eye that see.

One light. One earth. One refreshing Source.

Beauty is there looking at the border.

As I walk there is beauty in the plant.

Raising my eyes, I see beauty in the landscape, and in the sky.

Did the Designer plan that I would witness it on all its levels?


All for my enjoyment.

However I wish to perceive it.


I wish to understand this, to know Unity and to see what is truly real. God’s world not man’s world.

Can a cell in the body, which sees just the individuals around it, come to see/know the body as one?

Is this what I am asking to understand and see?

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